
  • Some public universities have opened in Afghanistan for the first time since the Taliban seized power in August, with a few of women attending classes.
  • Not enough women lecturers.
    The Taliban have said they have no objection to education for women, but want classes to be segregated and the curriculum based on its principles
  • Call for more support for lecturers.
    The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) chief Deborah Lyons called for more “scholarship programmes and support” to lecturers now that the universities were opening.


  • No more presence of what so called outsiders enemies, but taliban is still struggling for it’s people mere basic prosperity and needs. Taliban should reconsider who is who and which is which…
  • It’s irony that the winner, righteous, has been crawling and begging for aid and help from the evil sinful infidels…
  • the limited number of the righteous actors who are in favor and in recognition of taliban, proved that the slogan of the victory of islam should be reevaluate….
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