
Berita Acara Hari Pertama Minggu Orientasi Sinergi Linear 2022

Hari/Tanggal              : Jum’at, 14 Oktober 2022 Waktu                         : 20.30-22.10 Tempat                        : Zoom Judul Acara                 : Orientasi Keorganisasian Sinergi Linear Pelaksana Diskusi Pembicara      : Rejda Akbar dan Saddam Abdullah Moderator      : Dohan Amirulloh Notulis            : Fadhilah Az Zahra Daftar Hadir : Anggota Sinergi Linear   Uraian Pelaksanaan Acara Acara dibuka oleh […]

Berita Acara Hari Pertama Minggu Orientasi Sinergi Linear 2022 Read More »

Indonesian Government’s Strategy on Papua

This writing is going to present and focusing on 2 essential points: Suggesting different points of view and different perspectives of what the mainstream media has shown related to the issue in Papua. Giving critical argument and antithesis of the main issue that has been widespread and framed mainly by mainstream media. Contents: Nation-State Territorial

Indonesian Government’s Strategy on Papua Read More »